Why ReactJS has become a Successful Front-End Development Framework?

ReactJS has features to capture the attention of the whole development community. It is highly appreciated and loved due to its quick ability to follow the changes and offer high performance when required. The best part of using ReactJS Development Tool is that it is a small framework and needs less time to learn. If you are a skilled developer, you must be aware of all details regarding Reactjs. But if you are new in this field, you should begin with the JSX syntax basics. You should, however, try to learn to model the UI components. For the beginners, here are some of the features that one should be aware of: 1. JSX For template requirements in development, JSX is used instead of regular Javascript. In this HTML quoting is allowed using the HTML tags for rendering subcomponents. Here, the HTML tags are further processed in ReactJS framework. This can also be managed with old Javascript for better output. 2. React Native In 2015, Facebook announced some importa...