How to become a ReactJs Developer in 2021 for Engaging Application Development?
The ReactJs is one of the reputed JavaScript libraries to build front-end web applications. Support and manage by Facebook, also known as just React has become popular in the last few years and library for component-based GUI development. Though there are several front-end frameworks including Angular and Vue.js present, what sets React apart from others is its focus on component-based GUI development.
For example, Angular is a complete framework giving plenty of features out-of-the-box, including Dependency Injection, Routing system, Hooks, Forms handling, Animations, i18n support, HTTP requests, and a strong module system with streamlined lazy-loading.
Thus, if you already have libraries to integrate or you might not need them altogether then React framework is a perfect choice, but learning React is not simple, particularly if you are starting new in web development.
Steps to become a ReactJs Developer
A number of steps are implemented to become a developer and perform ReactJs Website development activities for the clients.
1. Learn Basics
No matter, which framework you learn for application development, knowledge of basics is a must like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It is an important skill for web developers as it gives ideas regarding the structure of a web page. Once you learn HTML, you can build Responsive Real World Websites.
It is used to style web pages so that they appear good. If you want to learn CSS, check the internet to find a couple of free CSS courses.
This is a crucial part of web development and helps in making web pages interactive.
2. General Development Skills
No matter what your expertise is frontend or backend, or even a full-stack software engineer? It is essential to know some general development skills to provide ReactJs Web Development Services and make big in the programming world.
Learn GIT
It becomes essential to know Git in 2021. Try building a few repositories on GitHub, and learn the downloading process from Github on your favorite IDE.
Know HTTP(S) protocol
If you want to be a web developer, then it is essential to know HTTP and learn it well. Be familiar with basic HTTP request techniques including GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS.
Learn the terminal
Though many consider it as optional to learn for a frontend developer it is recommended to have knowledge of the terminal.
Algorithms and Data Structure
Well, this is another important part of the general programming skill which is optional for some to become a React developer but surely needed to serve clients better.
3. Learn React JS
Now, this is an important phase of becoming a developer. You got to learn React and learn it properly to become a React developer. The best method is to learn React from the official website, but for a beginner, it can be a little bit irresistible.
4. Learn Build Tools
To become a professional React developer, it is important to spend some time with tools. Web developers use built tools, unit testing tools, debugging tools for the development work.
To start with, some of the major tools are:
Package Managers
Task Runners
npm scripts
For beginners, learn all tools are not necessary, just learning npm and Webpack is sufficient. When clients hire ReactJs Developer Team they check skills regarding the latest tools. Once you have a proper understanding of the React Ecosystem, you can explore other tools as well.
5. Styling
If you are aiming to be a front-end developer like React developer then having knowledge of Styling will not hurt. Even though becoming a developer asks for a lot of stuff including CSS Preprocessors, CSS Frameworks, CSS Architecture, and CSS in JS.
6. Testing
Now, this is an essential skill for React Developers which is often ignored, but if you want to remain ahead of your competition then just focus on learning libraries that will assist in testing. Here also, you have libraries for Unit testing, Integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
Here is a list of libraries mentioned in the roadmap:
Unit Testing
End to End Testing
Integration Testing
You can learn the library you want but Jest and Enzyme are recommended.
So, these are some of the few important steps to become a ReactJs developer.
Wrapping Up:
Learning ReactJs alone is not sufficient to become a reputed ReactJs developer. It is important to have knowledge of all the phases involved as mentioned earlier. When clients Avail ReactJs Development Services they ensure developers have proper knowledge of CSS, HTML5, Testing, and development tools. Make sure you have all skills to get noticed by the ReactJs service seekers.
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